WHAT IS SEPTIC SHOCK? Septic shock is a condition which is commonly seen in the ICU. It is suggested that the long and complicated course of illness in ICU patients , may contribute to sepsis. Organisms such as gram negative rods, enter the bloodstream and trigger an inflammatory process. PHASES OF SEPTIC SHOCK Septic shock is divided into two phases. The hyperdynamic ( warm phase)and the hypodynamic ( cold phase). If treated early, sepsis may not progress to the cold phase. Please read the image and learn more. Nick was fortunate. The possible septic event was mild and responded to antibiotic therapy. His abdominal incision showed signs of improvement and Nick made a full recovery. Updated 4/23 Be aware, that there have been changes made in the treatment of Sepsis . It is suggested that broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. Medications used currently, are antibiotics such as Piperacillin and Ceftriaxone. Also watching the video: The New Nurse- Diagnostics QUIZ ...