The image below, shows Sara and her mother in the Pediatrician's office. Sara has an ear infection which will be treated with antibiotics. The Immune System The immune system is the one that works to protec t the body from infections like bacteria or viruses. It works in unity with the lymphatic system. Stress and the Immune system. Throughout the body , are lymph nodes, which work as filters and prevent infection. Examples of lymph nodes, are the tonsils, adenoids , thymus gland, spleen, nodes in the armpit and groin. The white blood cells (called leukocytes) which are produced in the bone marrow, are also instrumental in fighting infection. Stress and the Immune System There are a number of ways in which stress can affect the immune system. Without a doubt, daily living, family life and job related stress present challenges . Above is a list of conditions that may trigger illness.